Thursday, February 24, 2011

Define Love Kills Slowly

Chief - Drone Beats & Electric Waves

He has Feelin 'Music his own label and already for Moka Only, John Robinson, Kissey Asplund, Dynas, Blu , Co $ $, Les Nubians and Abstract Rude (to name a few) gebastlet. The Talking Chief from Lausanne. End of January, he has releast "Drone Beats & Electric Waves" a 23 tracks strong instrumental album, with the emphasis heavily on within the meaning of fresh . The beats are a mix of spährisch synthesizer melodies, jazz and dillaesken drum patterns. Yes, Dilla's like oh so many hobbyists also Chief of the unmistakable influence. And like so many other nerds has also been Chief with the track "FIL Revisted" an ode to Dilla in the repertoire. But the producer from western Switzerland does not go and try to copy James Yancey, no, Chief definitely has his very own style. And this style makes "Drone Beats & Electric Waves" one of the strongest albums I've received in recent months to be heard.


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