actually had "Jones Town 2: Jimmy Go Bye Bye" already to drop a quarter of a year. D-Sisive has let us wait. But there are at least two good reasons why it does not matter. First, the album is 16 tracks strong album for free and secondly it is fuc <íng good, sowohl Beats als auch Raps. Was die Raps anbelangt, so gilt es festzuhalten, dass D-Sisive einer jener MCs ist, die Inhalte transportierten. Das hat er schon im pre-track "If" proved impressive. To the beat's there to say that if the name is Munshin , everyone should be clear that this office is quality goods. To "Jonestown 2: Jimmy Go Bye Bye" with one exception, all tracks are produced by Munshin. The other goes to the account of Timbuktu. Technically sound, the disk is varied, sometimes soulful, sometimes dark, sometimes with guitar and thunderstorms sometimes spherical. D-Sisive rape are used nonchalantly-monotone voice, and in terms of flows. "Jones Town 2: Jimmy Go Bye Bye" will be D-Sisive last album. Whether and to what one hears from Derek Christoff still remains open. Download the "Jones Town 2: Jimmy Go Bye Bye" please HERE along ...
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