Monday, June 28, 2010

Adderall Blood Donation

The journalistic duty forbids it, but was able to conceal all I here then but no: I am simply enthusiastic about this project. And I paint out just how beautiful it would be if it also in Lower Saxony would be a similar initiative.
The Young ClassX go back to an idea of the ensemble Salut Salon by Dr. Michael Otto, chairman of the Otto Group, took up and generously funded. Now children and young people in Hamburg schools the opportunity to sing in a choir or learn an instrument: Free. The project is aimed particularly at children from disadvantaged backgrounds, and that is music to the places where it is quite rare, extra rolls of a musical mobile that pulls the kids to their events.

At the event last Friday, it was just nice witness, with how many ideas and passion, the initiators and stakeholders their musical commitment to children and young people began. "Do good and talk about it": The tradition has in Hamburg, and now well over a thousand children will benefit from this successful cooperation between business and culture. Please copy!

winners and Iniatoren of "The Young ClassX.


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